Microbiology Department
Global Labs Microbiology department consists of one full time pathologist, and one part time pathologist. Due to an ever-increasing workload and the need for expansion, recruitment of qualified staff of the highest calibre is in constant demand. Presently, Global boasts three full time technical staff and are currently recruiting to increase their team. 
Personalised Patient Care
Global Labs offers a unique approach to patient care in that Global Microbiologists, together with the technical staff, read and analyse each culture plate individually. This is of great benefit to patient care as the microbiologist is then able to decide on an individual patient basis how to proceed with identification and susceptibility testing of relevant microbes.  Global Labs endevours to offer excellent patient care through personalised patient care advice and 24 hour access to a microbiologist.
Dr M John serves as a Microbiologist at Global Labs. She is also a certified Infectious Disease Specialist, one of only four in KZN, and is available for consultations to patients and clinicians.